How to Ground a Dust Collection System?

A dust collection system is used in industries, homes, shops, and commercial places to improve the breathable air quality. It gives safety by removing the particular matter from the air and environment. A dust collection system works on capturing, collecting, and conveying the basic formula.

But grounding the insulating materials such as plastic, glass, or PVC is also a must. You can accomplish this by wrapping the pipe with copper wire and attaching it with various points. This article will teach you how to ground a dust collection system.

Method to Ground a Dust Collection System

Dust collection systems clean the air and ensure a fresh air supply. But it could be risky if not grounded properly. The reason is that no matter which material you are using, it reacts to the charge. So after grounding, you can ensure safe dust collection system performance. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to ground a dust collection system.

Step 1- Confirm the Charge:

A PVC pipe can build up electricity; rubbing the pipe is not a bad idea. In grounding a dust collection system, you have to rub a PVC pipe by using a microfiber cloth to demonstrate. Grounding the dust collection system against any static electrical build-up and possible discharge is necessary. You can confirm it by taking some pieces of paper. If the papers stand up to the pipe and attach to the pipe, it means the pipe can build up current.

Step 2- Arrange the Required Tools:

  • Ring Terminal Connectors

In grounding a dust collecting system, you must purchase ring terminal connectors. These terminals should be the same size as the wire. An 18 gauge ring terminal connector is best for grounding because it is easy to use and get.

  • Bare Copper Wire

You have to get a roll of bare copper wire to connect the whole dust-collecting system with the grounding.

  • Crimper and Wire Cutter

It would help if you had some electrical tools like a pair of crimpers and a wire cutter. A crimper is a g/b tool that is best to use in grounding your system. Its color-coded is a match for the terminal. A wire cutter is used to cut copper wire.

  • Screwdriver or Drill Machine

You will also need to have a screwdriver for screwing different points, and a drill machine will be required for digging the holes in the drop line.

Step 3- Connect the Terminal:

Then, after getting ring terminals and tools, you have to connect the terminal connected with the particular drop line. In the first connection, you should cut out copper wire at least 4 to 5 inches and twist this wire together. Then connect it to the ring terminal. By using a crimper tool, squeeze it and make sure it is tight enough.

Step 4- Dig Holes and Screw the Terminal:

Next, dig tiny holes in the drop line, turn the pipe, and screw the terminal connection using a screwdriver or a drill. Generally, a screwdriver is better for screwing because it is easy to hold with a hand. There is no need to screw the other side of the terminal connected wire because you will need to connect it to the other connection.

Step 5- Run the Copper Wire to the Next Point:

Then take your copper wire to the next point, till the last connection. After that, you have to run the copper wire. Look at where the straight pipe starts, wrap the wire tightly, and then go to the next junction. After completing the wrapping, you need to place pieces of tape on the wire.

Step 7- Connect the Copper Wire to the Blast Gate:

First, you will need to measure the remaining pipe for the next connection. Once measured, cut the wire exactly as needed as the measured length of the pipe. Now use a jumper piece to go to the proper connection and then connect the terminal wire with an aluminum blast gate.

Step 8 – Connect the Wire with the Dust Collection System:

Once you have wrapped the copper wire from start to end around the pipe, you will need to connect the wire to the dust collection system. You must cross the bare copper wire from the unit and line over the grounding screw. A grounding screw is supplied by the JDS in the unit and ground to the metal frame. Once done, you have completed your dust collection system grounding.

How to Check the Continuity of the Grounding System?

It is essential to check the continuity of the grounding system after completing the dust collection system grounding. You can use insulating wires, a little buzzer, alligator clips, and a battery hold to check the continuity.

For testing the continuity, use the insulating tape by holding the sides of the wires with alligator clips. Then temporarily connect it to the buzzer and check it. You can test it at different points; finally, go upstairs to test the aluminum blast gate. If you listen to some sound testing the blast gate, it means the ground is working correctly.

Is it Fair to Ground a Dust Collection System?

Yes, you should ground your dust collection system because it can take you safely from any risk. It is a common saying that” safety is better than sorry.” So if you want to ensure the safe performance of the dust collection system, then never skip its grounding; otherwise, there is a risk of fire.

What is the Aluminum Blast Gate on the Dust Collection System?

Aluminum blast gates are used to focus on the vacuum pressure of the dust collection system. Blast gates maximize system efficiency and control the airflow from one place to another. It can specify the system lines and allow other machines to have more airflow.


Grounding the dust collection system is vital for safe performance. Never skip that because it is inexpensive and straightforward, but very risky if you skip it. You can ground your dust collection system with the help of some electrical tools and copper wire.

By following the above step-by-step guide, you can ground your dust collection system quickly and without mistakes. If you have no time or feel uneasy, you can hire professional services.


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