How to Transition Two Different Crown Moldings?

Crown moldings are the decorative elements typically used in cabinets, on the interior walls, and most others. Generally, they come in MDF, plaster, aluminum and wood. You can also find it in polyurethane material.

Crown moldings increase the beauty of the place. It is not only the essential part of the house, but also it does go a long way to value and class. 

But, if you want to use crown molding in the interior wall, kitchen, or bathroom, you may face some problems especially while transitioning two different moldings. Don’t worry!!! Today, I will tell you how to transition two different crown moldings.

Hopefully, it will prove helpful for you. Let’s get started! 

How to Transition Two Different CROWN MOLDINGS?

Connecting different moldings is a straightforward project. You can do it perfectly, just in a few steps.

Step 1:- Identify the Joint Location

Firstly, identify the location of crown molding where you transited a joint. You try the typical fall over the wall stud because, on the wall stud, a nail could be used. But if it is not possible, you can still make a joint. But make sure that you are attaching the joint piece to the bottom wall plate.

Step 2:- Cut and Fix the First Molding Piece

Cut the first molding part at a 45-degree angle. And then fix it against the wall with a hand drill or nail gun. Ensure that the nails are not 6 feet to adjust it for a good fit. You have to choose to connect different moldings on the perpendicular wall. If you cut a square shape, it will fit with a coped joint, and if you miter-cut, it will fit at the inside corner.

Step 3:- Cut and Test-Fit the Joint Molding

Please measure the length of the molding piece you need and cut it. You also have to cut it at a 45-degree angle but with the bevel facing the wall. Then set the joint molding piece in place and test it to fit with the first part of the already fixed molding. After testing, if you see any difference in the requirement, reset it with the miter saw and refit the joint.

Step 4:- Fix the Joint of the Molding

You can transitive two different crown moldings using wood glue, hand drill, and nail gun. Apply the thin layer of wood glue at the level of joint molding. And then fit it with the first part so that the joint looks pleasing. Then drive two nails at the joint, but you may drive both pieces of molding if you are using a hand drill or finish nail, drill pilot holes for the nails.

Step 5:- Nail the Rest of the Remaining Piece

After nailing off the joint crown molding, you go to the first part and nail it within 16 inches or as you need. And then leave it to dry or to set. You seem to connect perfectly.

Required Things You Need to Connect Two Different Crown Molding

Here is the list of some tools; you need to connect two different moldings.

  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Miter saw, or a hand saw
  • Nail gun or hand drill
  • Wood glue

Why does a Gap Happen Between Crown Molding and Ceiling?

Molding adds the beauty of the place, but sometimes a gap happens between crown moldings and ceiling. People are worried about why a gap happens because rough lumber behind the drywall shrinks. But it is not a critical problem; you can prevent it while nailing the molding and ceiling to allow flat up and down on the wall.

Can you Install Crown Molding Without a Nail Gun?

Yes, you can install crown molding without having a nail gun. Now you can carry molding from local big-box hardware in all sizes and styles that you need. And you can install it by using a finishing nail hang hammer. You can also use transitive two different crown moldings by using wood glue.

How Much is the Cost of Crown Molding Installation?

It depends on your collection of material choosing and crown molding. But generally, the average cost of molding installation is 7 dollars to 16 dollars per linear foot. The living room’s molding installation costs up to 464 dollars, and the cost of installation for the kitchen is between 210 dollars to 570 dollars.

Final Thought

Crown molding installation in your house is not a challenging task. You need to identify the length of the molding piece and cut it through a miter saw. Then connect the joint to the perpendicular wall. You can use wood glue or a nailgun to join molding pieces. And you can make your house beautiful and eye-catching.

If you want to help do this project, read my above content. I have already explained a step-by-step guide to transition two different crown moldings in this content. But, if you are a busy person, you can contact a professional for installation services at some cost.


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