Why Does My House Smell Like Sewer at Night

You’re lying in bed, ready to drift off to sleep, but then you notice an odd smell. It’s a smell you can’t quite place, but it’s not a good one. That smell is probably sewage.

Sewer gas smells can be unpleasant and dangerous. They’re caused by hydrogen sulfide and methane, which are toxic gases that can cause health problems. That’s why you may wonder, why does my house smell like sewer at night?

You can learn important information about smelly sewers in your home when you read this article! With the help of a few simple methods, we will try to answer this question as accurately as possible.

Here’s Why Your House Smells Like Sewer at Night

There are a number of reasons why your house may smell like sewer gas at night. A few of the most common reasons include:

1. Bacteria and Decaying Waste:

Bacteria and decaying waste is probably the simplest explanation for why your house smells like sewer gas at night. Sewer gas can leak into your home through cracks in the foundation, drains, or any place else where water seeps inside.

Sewage contains small particles of bacteria that are constantly breaking down. When these bacteria start to decay, they produce a distinct smell that’s difficult to ignore. If your home smells like sewer gas at night, it may be because there are small particles of bacteria in the air inside your house.

2. Dry-Out of the Water Barrier:

Your home’s water barrier may be dry out, which can cause your house to smell like sewer gas.

The exterior of most homes has a protective barrier that prevents the walls from absorbing water. This is why you see that houses are painted with different colors. Sometimes these barriers will become dry-out due to loss of adhesion.

When the water barrier becomes dry-out, sewage can seep through cracks and make your house smell like sewer gas.

3. The Water Pressure:

Water in your house gets pushed into sewer lines through a process called gravity. However, when the water pressure in sewer lines becomes too high, this can cause sewage to leak into your house and make it smell like sewer gas.

This may be especially true if you live somewhere where there’s heavy rainfall or melting snow. In places where there’s a lot of humidity, there may be a lot of water in the sewer lines that could enter your house and make it smell like sewer gas.

4. Septic Tank Systems:

Your home may have what’s called a septic tank system. This is essentially a small sewage treatment plant that separates the solid and liquid waste before it enters the sewage lines leading to your house.

Septic tanks can sometimes overflow if they get too much water inside them, which can cause sewage to leak into your house and make it smell like sewer gas. This can occur if heavy rain or melting snow causes water to overflow your septic tank and get into the house.

5. Broken or Leaky Pipes:

Another cause of why your house smells like sewer gas at night could be broken or leaking pipes. Sometimes sewage can get collected inside the air vents, which will eventually seep out and make your whole house smell like sewer gas.

A break in a sewage line can also lead to smelly fumes that have an unpleasant odor. If you live by a water source, such as a river, lake, or ocean, sewage can leak into your house and make it smell like sewer gas.

6. Blocked Drains:

If your house smells like sewer gas at night, you may have blocked drains. Although this may seem contradictory, you can have blocked drains that lead into your house instead of away from it.

A clogged toilet drain also leads to sewage seeping into your house, which can make it smell like sewer gas. Toilet drain smells that smell like sewage can be a result of hair and soap buildup or other food particles.

The following are some other reasons for having that:

If you are experiencing the unpleasant smell of sewer gas in your home, several potential solutions can help eliminate the odor. It is important to address this issue promptly to ensure the health and safety of yourself and your family.

1. Dead Rodents

Rodents that die in your walls also produce a smell that’s similar to sewer gas, which can lead you to believe that you have a sewage leak. If this is the case, then you may need to call an exterminator and get rid of any rodents that are inside your home.

2. Incorrectly Installed Plumbing

If your plumbing was improperly installed, then sewage can seep into your house and make it smell like sewer gas. If you notice that your floor drains are starting to stink, then there’s a possibility that they weren’t installed correctly.

3. Mold in the Basement

Mold inside your Basement or any other area of your home can also make it smell like sewer gas. If you have high humidity in your Basement, then mold may start to grow because of the moisture.

4. No Water Disposal System

If your house doesn’t have a water disposal system, then the water is going to be absorbed by the walls. When this happens, your house can start to smell like sewer gas.

What Are the Symptoms of Sewer Gas Exposure?

Sewer gas is extremely dangerous and can cause a variety of health problems. It contains high levels of ammonia and other dangerous toxins, which can cause serious health issues, including seizures, coma, and even death.

If you smell sewer gas in your home, it’s important to take action right away to avoid putting yourself and your family at risk. Sewer gas can accumulate and cause long-term health problems if left untreated.


The smell of sewer gas in your home can come from a wide range of problems with your plumbing system. Make sure you check around all the drains in your house to determine if there are any leaks or clogs that are causing the unpleasant odor.

Signs of sewer gas exposure include difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, mental confusion, and drowsiness. If you have any of these symptoms after smelling sewer gas, then you should see your doctor immediately.

You may also experience allergic reactions to the toxins in the air that can lead to dry, itchy skin, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, wheezing, or chest pain if exposed to sewer gas.


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